5 Most Crucial Safety Features For Cars

According to ASIRT, more than 46,000 people lose their lives, and 4.4 million people suffer severe injuries in traffic crashes yearly in America. Road accidents are said to be the leading cause of death in America for people between the age of 1 and 54. If these numbers are correct, it means America is one of the most dangerous places to drive among developed countries. The good news, however, is that safety features in a car can reduce the risk of an accident. Safety features can help reduce the risk of death or severe injuries in the event of an accident. The following are five of the most crucial safety features you want to ensure your car has.
Seat Belts
Seat belts are the single most crucial safety feature a car should have. Seat belts save thousands of lives every year. The CDC estimates that seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45 percent and the risk of serious injury by 50 percent. However, a seat belt can only protect you if you wear it.
Because it is a legal requirement for a car to have seat belts, it is hard to find a car without seat belts. However, it is important that you make sure you are not driving a vehicle that has been recalled because of a defect in its seat belts.
Airbags usually deploy when an accident happens to cushion the vehicle occupants from things such as the steering wheel, sides of the vehicle, and dashboard. Indeed, it is quite hard to find a car that does not have airbags. However, it is crucial for you to ensure you are not driving a vehicle that has been recalled because of defects in its airbags.
Anti Lock Brakes
This is an exterior safety feature that can help keep you safe. Anti-lock brakes can prevent an accident. Anti-lock brakes can prevent the wheels from locking when you hit the brakes quickly. When wheels lock, it can cause a vehicle to spin out on a slippery surface. If, for example, you are driving towards an intersection in wet weather, anti-lock brakes can prevent you from sliding into the intersection when you hit the brakes quickly.
Adaptive Headlights
These are more recent. However, despite adaptive headlights being a more recent safety feature, they have already proven effective in reducing night crashes. Adaptive headlights improve visibility and make it easy for other drivers to see your vehicle. The sensors in these systems are designed in such a way that they illuminate the road more effectively while at the same time reducing glare for oncoming motorists.
Electronic Stability Control
This is another safety feature designed to prevent a vehicle from sliding on the road. When your car moves out of your intended path, the system will apply brakes to one or more than one of the wheels to help you regain stability. When anti-lock brakes and electronic stability control are both in good working condition, it can significantly decrease the risk of an accident.
Legal Help Is Available
Regardless of the safety features in your car, you can still be involved in an accident. If you suffer injuries in a car accident, our Parkland car accident lawyers at Lyons & Snyder can help you recover compensation from your insurance company or an at-fault party’s insurance company.