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Coral Springs & Parkland Injury Lawyers > Delray Beach Truck Accident Lawyer

Delray Beach Truck Accident Lawyer

While the total number of motor vehicle deaths has fallen in the last decade, fatalities caused in large truck collisions have actually increased by 46 percent since 2009, according to the National Safety Council. Over 3,000 people die in large truck crashes every year, while tens of thousands more are seriously injured in collisions caused by the drivers of trucks. We believe that these victims deserve substantial compensation for their injuries. At the law offices of Lyons & Snyder, our Delray Beach truck accident lawyers hold negligent trucking fully companies responsible for damages.

Size is Deadly

There is a reason that large trucks are involved in nine percent of all motor vehicle fatalities, yet only account for four percent of registered vehicles: size. The size of large trucks, in relation to passenger vehicles and other road users, creates the following hazards:

  • Stopping and slowing time is increased due to the weight of the truck;
  • Poor visibility to the sides, and no visibility in the rear;
  • The force upon impact is much greater;
  • The height of a large truck compared to a passenger vehicle increase the chance of the truck simply rolling over the top of, and crushing, the passenger vehicle;
  • Maneuverability is reduced, therefore increase the chance of crashing during emergency situations;
  • Speed of trucks when going uphill, around corners, in cross winds, etc. is vastly different from the normal flow of passenger vehicle traffic;
  • Tire blowouts are more common due to the high pressure needed to support the weight of the truck; and
  • More.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a major cause of collisions for passenger vehicles and large trucks alike. According to a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration survey of truck drivers, 71 percent of all large truck collisions occurred while the truck driver was doing something else other than driving. Examples of distracted driving include using a phone for any purpose, using a hands free phone, watching TV or movies, eating, drinking, daydreaming, staring out the window, and adjusting the music.


Speeding trucks are a major hazard for all road users. Speeding further increases stopping time, reduces maneuverability, and increases the force involved when a collision occurs. An onboard black box may reveal whether the truck driver was speeding at the time of the crash.

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is the third leading cause of truck collisions. Truckers are often paid to get from point A to point B in an unreasonably fast time, forcing them to speed and skip federally mandated rest periods. There is no excuse for driving on little to no sleep when others’ lives are at stake.

Call a Delray Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Whether the truck driver was speeding, driving aggressively, distracted, fatigued, or drunk, our attorneys will get to the bottom of it and hold the trucking company responsible for your damages. To learn more, contact one of our Delray Beach truck accident lawyers at Lyons & Snyder today at (954) 462-8035 to schedule a free consultation.

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