Parkland Wrongful Death Lawyer
When a prolonged illness or sudden injury rips a loved one from your life, no amount of money can fill the void this death leaves. The void is even deeper if someone else’s negligence caused the injury or illness. Money cannot alter the events which lead to the loss. But compensation does give survivors the means to pay medical bills and otherwise move on with their lives. That’s usually what a deceased person would have wanted for these survivors.
The compassionate Parkland wrongful death lawyers at Lyons & Snyder understand survivors’ need for compensation in these situations. We also understand the need to hold a negligent party legally responsible for the wrongful death. So, we work hard to build strong, evidence-based claims. We also proactively communicate with you throughout the process, so you are never in the dark.
Kinds of Wrongful Death
Wrongful death illnesses are often linked to medical malpractice and misdiagnosis. Cancer is a good example.
Survival rates for this disease have increased significantly since the 1990s. However, to take advantage of new medical technology, doctors must promptly and properly diagnose cancer. Unfortunately, physicians often don’t readily identify cancer, or if they spot it, they could mistake a rare and aggressive form of cancer for a more common and treatable one.
Unintentional death, or accidental death, injuries in Florida usually fall into one of three categories:
- Car Crashes: These incidents kill tens of thousands of American motorists every year. Driver error causes over 90 percent of these wrecks. If that driver error constituted negligence, or a lack of care, compensation could be available.
- Falls: Slip & fall injuries are more severe, and often fatal, if the victim is a repeat faller or has certain other pre-existing conditions, like an old head injury. As for falls from a height, a tumble form as little as four stories above ground is fatal in most cases.
- Poisoning: Drug overdose deaths, mostly opioid deaths, have exploded since 2010. Negligence often has a hand in these tragedies. For example, some doctors don’t ask too many questions before they write prescriptions. Such conduct clearly violates their duty of care.
Third-party assaults also kill many people. Frequently, property owners are legally responsible for such incidents, especially if they did not provide adequate security.
Your Claim for Damages
If liability and other legal issues are relatively clear, our Parkland wrongful death lawyers often resolve these claims with a simple letter. If the evidence and law is solidly against the insurance company, most of these firms quickly raise the white flag.
However, other compensation claims are more complex. In these situations, attorneys usually file legal paperwork, both to preserve survivors’ legal rights and pressure the insurance company into settling the claim.
This settlement usually includes compensation for pecuniary losses. In Florida, pecuniary losses usually include:
- Funeral and burial expenses,
- Lost future financial support,
- Medical bills related to the decedent’s final illness or injury,
- Lost future emotional support, and
- Decedent’s pain and suffering.
Especially if the decedent was young, calculating items like lost future support is not easy. Therefore, our professional team usually includes psychologists, accountants, and other such professionals.
Survivors might also be entitled to compensation for their own suffering and grief, under a theory like negligent infliction of emotional distress.
Work With a Compassionate Broward County Wrongful Death Attorney
Injury victims are usually entitled to substantial compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced wrongful death lawyer in Parkland, contact Lyons & Snyder, Trial Lawyers. After-hours visits are available.